Hanoi street
How to get to Hanoi from Ho Chi Minh City?
From Ho Chi Minh City, you can travel to Hanoi by train, coach or plane.
If train is your option, let you find out Sai Gon station at the address: 01 Nguyen Thong, 9 Ward, 3 District to buy ticket directly at there or by phone.
There are many kinds of tickets for you choose (hard seat, soft seat or sleeper with air conditioning). The ticket fare is over 782.000 VND/ a ticket/ person. This train stops at Hanoi station on Le Duan Street.
In the event of travelling Hanoi from Saigon by coach, you are able to select the popular car maker such as Hoang Long, Mai Linh. These coaches will depart from Mien Dong station with its prices of seats and sleepers range from 550.000 VND/ ticket including food and drink.
The moving time of coaches will be longer than train because coaches have to stop on meals. Therefore, the time schedule of a trip is about 60 hours.
plane is the fastest means for visiting Hanoi but its price is also highest. Airfare from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi has many levels, ranging from over 1.5 million/ ticket/ person. Now, there are a lot of airlines having discount promotions with attractive ticket fare such as VietJetAir, Jetstar, Vietnam Airline…….
You had better pay attention these to book cheap ticket timely. The flying time is about 1 hour and 45 minutes while the waiting time to check in is about 2 hours. Thus, the total time for you move from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi’s tourist center is about five hours.
How to move from the airport to the tourist center of Hanoi
Moving by car of airport
Price of this type is about 35.000 VND/ person/ car. It will carry you to the address 1 Quang Trung Street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. In case you opt for the low-cost Jetstar airline, there is available car service to carry you to 204 Tran Quang Khai. Its ticket fare is from 30.000 to 35.000 VND/ person.
Moving by taxi
Out of the airport, there are available several taxi car maker to choose. Before getting in a taxi, you should ask about price and require they carry you from airport to where you want to visit. Now, it takes you about 300.000VND to come the tourist center of Hanoi.
What means you should use for sightseeing Hanoi streets?
One of the unique features of travelling Hanoi is Hanoi Old Quarter cyclo. That’s why there are many tourists choosing this kind to visit and explore the ancient beauties on each street among a busy and bustling Hanoi. While cyclo brings ancient definition, the modern and new electric scooters are means of “green tourism” in Hanoi. You will be explored a civilized and polite city with modern life.