Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival (Hai Phong City)

Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival.

On the norning of September 16, 2010, people were thronging the stadium in Do Son (Hai Phong City) to attend the Choi Trau Festival (Buffalo-fighting festival). This event is held annually on the 9th of the lunar eighth month.

Buffalo fighting festival

Buffalo fighting festival

With the participation of an audience of thirty thousand amid the deafening sounds of drums and gongs, the 16 buffalo fought it out in 15 matches. This came after the drum performance and flag dancing. No matter whether the buffalo tastes victory or defeat, it still ends up being slaughtered afterwards. Everyone wants to taste the flesh of the fighting buffalo and buy some mrat to give to friends or relatives. This is because the local people think that anyone who eats the meat of the fighting buffalo will be lucky in life.

This is the 21th buffalo fighting festival to be held in Do Son. Each year has new features. The buffalo fighting is not only a big Do Son festival but also a chance for tourists to visit the resort. The great interest generated by this event is evident in the saying:
“Go wherever you like, but Return on the 10th of the linar eighth month to attend the buffalo-fighting festival”.